Stretch marks are a common skin concern affecting millions of people worldwide.

They are defined as common, permanent dermal lesions or damage and tears in the lower and internal layers of the skin, lead to form disfiguring visible lines on the skin surface.

What Causes Stretch Marks To Form?

Stretch marks occur due to various causes, and factors, including:

  • Physical factors: when the skin stretches or shrinks quickly.
  • Hormonal factors: Which occur in puberty, adolescence, and pregnancy.
  • Other Factors:
    Reduced expression of collagen, and elastin (Which provide strength and elasticity to the skin).
    Ruptures of collagen and elastin fibers, due to dehydration or excessive strain and tension.


Striae Rubra


Stretch Marks begin with the Striae Rubra phase, which is an erythematous inflammatory phase, that tends to be slightly raised, red lines to dark brown (depending on skin color) and may also be itchy.

Striae Alba

Striae Alba - White stretch marks

Stretch Marks if not treated early, will finally become white depressed lines with a wrinkly surface, which is called Striae Alba

The optimum goal is for you ... to love your skin

Can Stretch marks be Prevented or Treated?

Stretch marks can be a concern for many people, but with the ideal preventive

measures, right care, and early treatment, they can be prevented and treated.

How Stretch Marks affect individuals

They can be associated with many symptoms and are considered aesthetically undesirable; thus, they have a significant psychosocial and therapeutic challenge.

Stretch marks can appear as streaks or lines on the skin and are often a source of cosmetic concern due to their appearance, which can affect Quality of Life.

Stretch marks are described as a type of “SCARS” because they can be slightly raised or depressed and different in color from the normal skin.

You might think that stretch marks only happen to a select few people but here are ...

The Most commonly affected people and where stretch marks are expected to appear?

and we assure you stretch marks are definitely preventable!

Pregnant women and new mothers

  • Stretch marks that occur due to pregnancy is known as “Striae Gravidarum” are very common to occur during and after pregnancy, due to rapid changes that occur such as tension caused by stretching, proceeded by the shrinking of the skin since it over-expands to accommodate the growing baby.
  • This often creates discomfort, itching, and changes in the appearance of the skin can cause pregnant women much distress.
  • Most women develop Stretch marks during pregnancy on their abdomen, however, it is also common on the breasts, thighs, hips, and buttocks.


  • Rapid growth spurts during puberty cause the skin to stretch quickly, resulting in stretch marks.
  • They are common in both boys and girls as they undergo significant physical changes, and develop at an average age of 13 years.
  • Stretch marks are most frequent on the buttocks, thighs, lower back, calf, knee, upper arm, abdomen.

Bariatric surgery

  • After these procedures, people experience significant and rapid weight loss and sudden reduction in body fat, which result in loose, sagging skin and stretch marks, because the skin may not be able to retract and shrink quickly.
  • Stretch marks usually appear in the abdomen, upper arms, thighs, breasts/chest, hips, buttocks, back.

Liposuction & body contouring

  • These procedures lead to weight loss and body fat loss which can result in stretch marks due to a decrease in weight and size and lipids in the areas of this procedure.

Cosmetic Augmentation procedures

  • Breast and Buttock augmentation will lead to sudden changes in skin tension due to rapid expansion and stretching of the skin size because of the insertion of implants (as silicone implants).
  • Due to the skin over-stretching to accommodate the new shape and size of the enlarged breast or buttock, leads to stretch marks in these areas.

Obese individuals

  • Significant and rapid weight gain can cause the skin to stretch beyond its adapting capacity.
  • Weight fluctuations such as weight gain or loss after intense slimming diets, leading to the formation of stretch marks.


  • When you increase your muscle size too rapidly, your skin might not be able to accommodate it, and you could end up with stretch marks, commonly on Biceps, shoulders and upper arms.

Individuals with Endocrinopathies disease (such as Cushing's Syndrome) and corticosteroid medicine users

  • Conditions like Cushing’s Syndrome and the use of steroids can affect skin integrity and lead to the appearance of widespread stretch marks which can cover large areas of the body, these are usually about half an inch wide.
  • Can appear on the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, arms, and breasts.

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